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By Thomas E. Durst

A lot of people see healing as trying to “fix” some situation or person. Rather it is more in the realm of recognizing the perfection of God’s creation and that nothing can be changed, added to, or taken away from what He has created (see Genesis 1:31; Ecclesiastes 3:14). He did not create sin, sickness, death, old age, poverty, or evil of any kind. Nothing that isn’t part of His perfect creation has power over us without our consent (see 1 John 4:4). Through the gift of spiritual understanding we are privileged to see that perfection in others and all around us. Thus true healing occurs. This is difficult at times when outward appearances are very troubling but with God all things are possible (see Matthew 19:26). The thoughts below on prayer are well expressed:

“. . .In healing, all that I am doing is realizing the present existence of perfection. God made us all well. There is absolutely nothing negative in our Father’s creation, hence nothing that is not good can be something to make us fear or to control us.”—Florence Roberts

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